Tagged: Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Barack Hussein Obama, The Ultimate Mobster


November 9, 2013

How’d you like to own a company that charges its clients $10,000 per hour for “financial advice”? Kind of sounds like  the Mafia offering “protection,” doesn’t it? You know what they say: “If it  walks like a duck…”

The 2400 page “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act” is  written in such mumbo jumbo that banks need a “financial expert” to help them  navigate it. Enter Promontory Financial Group. How does Promontory Financial  Group know so much about the Dodd-Frank Act? They wrote it—giving  themselves carte blanche to extort a staggering $2 billion by offering banks “financial advice”—financial  advice, according to the banks, that didn’t do them a bit of good. Obama’s crony  and mega-donor Eugene Ludwig, the CEO of Promontory, pulls in a staggering $30,000,000 per year in salary. Talk about “fat cats,” as  Obama likes to call them. It’s in effect a Mafia “protection” racket, perfected  by Al Capone himself.

But it doesn’t end there. Eric Holder’s old law firm—the law firm who  supplied literally every single slot of the upper echelon in the Department of  Justice (or should we say Department of  Injustice)—is also in on  the scam, protecting Promontory Financial Group’s staffers from using insider  knowledge. You see, a staggering two-thirds of Promontory Financial Group’s 170 executives are former U.S.  government finance chiefs—the FDIC, SEC, and of course the Federal Reserve; and  they use their insider knowledge to extort billions from anything and  everything—not just banks.

If you take a look at how Al Capone in the 1930s took over the banks,  businesses, and the levers of power in government, you’d have a complete picture  of what Barack Hussein Obama is doing from the Oval Office.

Barack Obama is truly a modern day Mob Boss.

Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video for all the dirt on  The Mobster Barack Hussein Obama.


Something Insane Happened In Congress, The Media Will Ignore It

American Patriot

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Posted date:  November 07, 2013


Lobbyist what if

It seems like some days no one is watching what Congress does. This slipped right under the radar and if it wasn’t for a video blogger from Upworthy, I wouldn’t have known about it either. Something insane just happened in the House of Representatives that exposes corruption on a level that would make Al Capone smile.

It doesn’t matter if you agree with the Tea Party, Occupy, Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian. It doesn’t matter if you agree with Dodd Frank or not. If you were to propose a bill to congress, would you let a lobbyist dictate what you put in it or how you wrote it?

However, that is exactly what happened. I didn’t take the individual in the video’s word. He challenges people to look, so I looked.


HR 992 just passed the House legislation on a bipartisan vote with bipartisan sponsorship. The problem is it doesn’t get rid of Dodd Frank strict regulation on the banks, it swaps the regulations to get rid of the only regulation that was regulating the insider trading on Wall Street.

Another big huge glaring problem with the Banking and Wall Street donations,  campaign, and contributions to the bill. Wall Street spent 5.8 Times the amount of money then even labor unions to get this bill passed. The banking industry even paid for a ski trip for the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives. They paid for a $2500 a plate fundraiser for the sponsors of the bill, 5 Republicans and 4 Democrats. Citigroup Lobbyists helped draft the bill. The New York Times reports it is almost word for word what the lobbyists wrote. Even for  people who are not fans of Jack Lew and Timothy Geithner, both the individuals called out the lobbyist’s wording in the bill and warned against it. And yet it passed, and the Mass Media stays silent.

If you ever had a doubt about how your vote is bought, you can check out the links and the voting.

He included a video with his information but placed links to look for yourself.

Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page “New Constitution”



by Charles Hugh-Smith

October 10th, 2013



The U.S. Constitution leaves too many areas open to interpretation; a New Constituion of 2,300 pages (+ 200 redacted secret pages) is the solution.

The Obama Administration has proposed replacing the current U.S. Constitution (4,543 words, including the signatures with a 2,300-page “new Constitution” that in the words of an administration spokesperson, “clears up the gray areas in the current Constitution.”

The proposal was launched after the success of two recent 1,000+ page pieces of legislation, the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act.

An additional 200+ pages of the “new Constitution” are redacted due to the sensitive nature of the National Security-related amendments.

Lobbyists from key industries were invited to contribute amendments to the new Constitution;” constitutional legal experts were also invited to submit improvements to the current law of the land.

Some critics who have reviewed the 2,300 pages of the proposed “new Constitution” have stated that the document is impenetrable even to those with law degrees. Average citizens “will be unable to understand the laws that govern their lives.”

Other observers note that the complexity and length of legislation such as the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act are already beyond the comprehension of all but a handful of experts.

An administration spokesperson defended the proposed re-write on the grounds that “the new Constitution will provide the clarity that people want in their Constitution.”